Consent to Participate in The Things They Carry Writing Program
By signing up for a workshop, you acknowledge that you have read the terms of the Consent and Release of Liability and agree to the terms.
I hereby acknowledge and agree that I am voluntarily participating in the Things They Carry Writing Program, which is sponsored by Washington Baltimore Center for Psychoanalysis (the “Program”). I understand that this program involves the exploration of experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and may involve writing about painful experiences. I assume full responsibility for any and all injuries and damages arising out of my participation in the Program.
I further understand that although the Program is led by certified therapists (the “Therapists”), their role is to facilitate the exploration of my COVID-19 related experiences for the purposes of the Program and that the Therapists will not be providing any therapy to me personally and will not be rendering any medical advice, recommendations or suggestions. I further understand that the Therapists are not my personal therapists, and our interactions in the Program do not give rise to a therapist/patient relationship.
If I experience unpleasant memories that are too difficult for endure, I will discontinue my participation in the Program and will consult my healthcare provider with any questions or mental health needs.
In consideration of being permitted to participate in the Program, I hereby waive any and all claims I may have, on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, against Washington Baltimore Center for Psychoanalysis and the Therapists (“Released Parties”) from all liability for injury, death, or loss suffered by me as a result of my participation in the Program.
By participating in the Program, I expressly agree that the Released Parties shall not be liable for any damages arising from personal injuries sustained by me as a result of my participation in the Program. By agreeing to this Consent and Release of Liability, I assume full responsibility for any injuries or damages that may occur to me as a result of my participation in the Program. In assuming full responsibility for the risk of injuries, damages, or losses that may occur to me in relation to the Program, I hereby fully and forever release the Released Parties from any and all claims, demands, damages, rights of action, or cause of action, present or future, whether the same be known or unknown, anticipated, or unanticipated, resulting from or arising out of the Program, including but not limited to any claim for negligence alleged against the Released Parties.
This Consent and Release of Liability shall be binding upon my heirs, spouse, or other next of kin, executor, administers and assigned.